Saturday, December 6, 2014

Don't Worry Be Happy

What does happiness mean to you? Do we all need a Santa in our life to bring that to us?

Happiness is a relative term I believe. Happiness is a frame of mind and we all need to create that framework for all of us. Over time, I have realized that life is what you make out of it, stress is when you let it rule your mind. The little things that matter to you the most suddenly start to get sidelined and petty things like your job takes the priority.

We are citizens of a democracy country (bull ****, I know) and we still live under the constant fear of being kicked out of job, being not rated the best at work, social pressure and what not. Really? Is that what freedom is all about?

The current work culture, be it any industry, has really bogged us all down. I have to do this, coz that’s what my boss want me to do on a holiday or at work but I do not really feel that’s the right thing to do. I will get married coz the society is questioning me. I will have kids, coz I have been married for long enough to have one, as the society says. Waaow… am living a life of someone else, where are my own terms and conditions of living a life?

I want all you readers (as little as I may have), to think through it and try to bring a change in your life (easier said than done, I know).  But I want to make a promise to myself that I will do what I have to do, what gives me happiness and what means the most to me, my child and my family. No body has the right to tell me what I should do or how I should do. If you like it, we will all win, if you don’t, that’s the door on my right..

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open.
John Barrymore

Monday, November 17, 2014

Have we lost ourself to Digital Media?

Has Digital media actually connected us? Distracted us? Distanced us?

Are the human beings inventor or digital world or slaves?

Well there were times when people would send letters via pigeon. And there were times when you would continuously sit on phone and try to call the operator to connect you to a number in same or other city. Gone are those days. Those days used to be little slow but never boring.

Today we don't depend on anyone but internet to reach/call/connect anywhere and everywhere. Have we lost ourself to digital media completely? Now we message via whatsapp or facebook but become lazy calling them or meeting them in person.

People across world connect via FB and whatsapp now feeling great that they are back in touch with their old buddies and connect with them. Really a good thought isn't it? But how many must have been actually misunderstood or mis-interpreted due to this.

This is not something you are hearing from the first time right! The basic norms of any communication and something that you would have heard umpteenth time at work as well - People wont understand your expressions or the tone of your words from your written mail/chat but it definitely can be funny or humorous when its spoken to, on face.

I lost connect with few close friends coz i didn't understand their intent or tone over messages on whatsapp and even today i don't talk to some of them. So has digital media really made me connect with them or have i lost what used to be a close friendship.

Think through it. Choose your media wisely, and more than that choose your words carefully. Decide before you pick your call, are you going to call your friend or just chat your way through.. :)

Don't be a slave to the digital world. Decide if you want it to play a devil for you or an angel..