I would really suggest all my friends to have a look at their range, its worth giving a shot.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
All That Glitters is “AVON”
I would really suggest all my friends to have a look at their range, its worth giving a shot.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Winning Sari

The KZ sari’s are quite pretty and more than that they are very reasonable so much so that you can buy one for every occasion. But I wouldn’t suggest it for people who are into designer stuff.
Happy finding, Ciao.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Creativity at its best
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Say Cheese…
All of us would have observed that whenever a picture was being clicked, the photographer would always ask you to “Say Cheese”. I always wonder why? Coz if I was ever in the frame, I would say Cheese for the picture, but in my mind, I would be banging “Say No to Cheese Rupali, Say No, No no no no no”.
I knew, If I don’t say to Cheese now, then definitely the on lookers will be cheeseing AT me later(I know quite a cheesy statement ☺ but I mean will be mocking at me later ☺).
Hmm, I wonder what has cheese got to do with a smile!!! Anyone .. any guesses?
I did a bit of research on this and found that “By saying "cheese", most people form their mouths into what appears to be a smile-like shape. Additionally, the absurdity of saying "cheese" for no apparent reason can incite glee in some people.”
And trust me I am doing this right now in front of the mirror and wondering if it incites a glee in me. I tried using different terms to see if it brings a smile the photographer always looks for. So I found another term which is quite acceptable to me and that is “Say Wheeeeeeaaaaatttttt” (for some people even “Weed” or “treat” would work too ;)).
And to add to the above definition, it also says “As this practice became ingrained into modern western culture, it has taken on the simple role of a final warning before a photograph is taken.”
Now how many of you notice that it’s a FINAL WARNING before a photograph is taken. Dammm it.
Why is “Thin always in”? What’s wrong in being fat (I don’t like to use this word so I mostly ask people to call me healthy and not fat ☺)?
Like a true Indian Kareena Kapoor introduced “ZERO” yet again, yes she introduced “zero” figure. But wonder what goes wrong if you prefix that zero with a ‘3’ or ‘4’. After all, like appending any number to zero makes it much bigger and meaningful. Isn’t it? :)
To add to this, Pepsi introduced the new skinny can conflating them with woman’s body and reinforcing that the desirable female body is thin. Just so we don’t miss the point, the Pepsico press release refers to the can as “attractive” three times, twice with the phrase “slim, attractive.” Because ladies, never, ever forget: thin = beautiful. Always.
(Refer http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2011/02/09/thin-is-in-pepsis-new-skinny-can-to-debut-at-fashion-week/)
Does it matter? Thin or not thin, the ultimate result of this can would be the same. Isn’t it?
Anyways, so
Thin or not thin
Pepsi can for me goes to the bin
Fat or not fat
Who cares,…. Howzaaat !!! ☺
Cheese or Wheat
Go as you please ☺
PS: If you all really believe in charity, please click on the Ads that are displayed on top and end of each article. Please click it once and that will help me raise some funds for charity.
Friday, July 8, 2011
The US of A
Monday, June 27, 2011
Mumbai Meri Jaan..
Monday, June 20, 2011
A Doctor's Plegde
Have you been to a doctor recently? What had been your experience?
I always wish and pray that no one has to ever visit a doctor and if at all they do, nobody faces a doctor who has forgotten their pledge. But I wonder how many doctors actually remember what they had promised when they wore that respectable white fleece.
Very recently an article in paper caught my attention and it was really really disheartening to see that the “Doctor’s business” is the most rewarding these days. Yes, I have purposefully used the word “business”, because its no more considered a duty to mankind, it’s a way of making money.
The article mentioned that, the delivery (normal or c-section) is no more a profitable business as compared to the heart surgeries, hence many hospitals have either shut down their delivery section or have reduced it to minimal beds and have increased their heart surgery wards and OT’s. They make upto 20 lakhs or more (sometimes) for a single surgery. I hope the poor class (lower class) is listening to this. You are not supposed to get any heart problems.
Even with a little blockage in your heart arteries, they scare you and ask you to get the surgery done even when it can be accomplished with a simple stent. Unimaginable!! I wonder if their conscience ever reminds them of humanity.
The personal experience that I had and thought I would never share with anyone and had told my husband too to never bring that discussion ever again in front of me, I am unable to hold it to myself now. Not because I suffered the pain, but simply because I want to caution everyone else.
While I was in the hospital with my day old son, rejoicing the happiness that he has brought in my life, enjoying him moving his legs and arms while he was awake (for a very short time though), the child doc came for regular visit.
She checked him thoroughly and also checked his limbs to check for any dysfunctions. She told me that one of his legs were very flexible and could bend upwards much more than required. I could not understand if it was actually an issue but got terribly scared within. She said she would send an ortho to check and see if he recommends anything. All other docs in the hospital who came to visit also told the same and had filled my mind with worries already.
I waited for the ortho the next day. He came and saw my son and recommended that plaster like thing (which can be removed during bath) should be put on him for over a month and that we should visit him on regular basis to check the status (he charged me double the fees that he charges in his clinic, simply because he had to come all the way to this hospital). He suggested us some guy who would come and take the measurement of the leg and make a plaster. Surprisingly, he did not write it anywhere, what the issue was and what is recommended and we fools did not think of it at all. The guy was called and the plaster delivered the next day.
The site of that plaster had already brought tears to my eyes because the little one, who most people were scared to even hold in their arms because he looked so fragile would now be wearing that plaster. We brought our little one home (my mom’s place) where the house was decorated for the welcome and everyone was ready with a puja thali and video recording. The warm welcome had temporarily erased the plaster thoughts of my mind.
After we settled down, we all recalled the plaster. None of us wanted to put it but since we thought it might give him issues later, we should make ourselves strong and do it now. I asked Vassy (my husband) to put that up. While he was putting it up on my little one, I was trying to hold my tears but just couldn’t and burst out crying badly. My sisters and mom couldn’t see me either and my husband held me tight to comfort me.
Every day when we would put that up, I would cry. The 4th day, I could not bear seeing my son struggling to hold it and trying to lift his leg every now and then. I asked my dad to find another known doc for second opinion. We then recalled of a doctor who was also a friend and has sifted to Chandigarh as well. He was a child specialist and could give us an honest opinion.
We called him and then my parents and Vassy took our son to the doc’s house (I couldn’t leave the house due the stiches which were still healing).
The doc examined him thoroughly and called me. He said tell me what you feel is the problem. I narrated him the whole story of what docs had told us in hospital. He said I have examined your son and he is absolutely normal and does not have any issues with his legs or any other part of his body. You do not need to worry or take any stress, because if you take any stress, it will then affect your child.
That doctor had become a “God” for me that day. I was crying again and this time it was the tears of joy and not fear. I felt then that some DOCTORS still exist and not everyone has turned a businessman
Deep within my heart (forgive me, as I would sound rude) but nothing good came out of me for the ortho who suggested the plaster so that he could make few bucks.
I couldn’t forget that ortho for days together and would always badmouth him for what he did. (I believe even today I haven’t forgiven him at all and probably will never do)
However, I wish that some things wouldn’t have changed; some professions still would have remained for mankind. Let the doctors charge what they have to but do not misguide us who are completely unaware of the complex internal system that we have.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Welcome to Motherhood
Welcome to Motherhood
I had always heard that a “Mother is born when the child is..” but experienced it for the first and probably only time when my son “Aadit” was born on the 29th of March 2011.
I don’t know how and why but I was always a bit of “nastik” not that I didn’t believe in GOD but was not all that into it. I always felt all these prayers n worshipping’s were just for the heck of it, for people to feel the comfort that someone will take care of them when they are unable to take care of things around.
It was in august 2010 when I was asked to go for a brief period to US through my company and I so didn’t want to go. After having spent 2 years already without my hubby dear in US, I knew how it was to stay without him. And at no cost I wanted to experience it ever again. But since going to US for work was important so I couldn’t say no without any real reasons. I was all set; my tickets were booked, all other arrangements were done and still deep within me I was praying hard “God - please do something, I don’t want to go”.
Did I mention that I had been trying to conceive for the last 6 months and was under medication to set my hormones right.
I don’t know when did my hormones start to behave normally and to my surprise, I was pregnant and I actually found out 5 days before my travel date. I never imagined that God really answers your prayer and he actually exists but this time he did.
I found that I was pregnant while my hubby was out of India for a week. With the “positive” report in my hand I didn’t know how to react, who to share my news with and how to celebrate my happiness.
How I wished my hubby was here with me. Well, I had prayed hard for me not going to US (not my hubby) and that had been answered. So this made me happy, actually much more than happy J.
Days and months passed by, with all the ups and downs of pregnancy that once faces and here I was in the 9th month, trying hard to hold my emotions and anxiousness and nervousness and all other feelings, and all at the same time.
I so wanted to deliver and see our by-product in my arms but I was waiting and this wait didn’t seem to end.
My sister had come over to our mum’s place (that’s where I was) during her kid’s holidays and was with me to give me all the comfort but she was so looking forward for her nephew/niece to be born and would always tell me, please have the baby while am here else I wont be able to spend time with my little one.
It was March end and I was so frustrated and tired that I don’t know why or how, I again looked back at dear God. I just told my sis to make some offerings for God and I would like to go to temple on Tuesday early morning and pray to God. Little did I know that God would again listen to my prayers and actually revert.
The Monday night (or Tuesday early morning around 4 AM), I had started getting pains (THE Pains) and I was so restless the whole of that night. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to wake up people and tell them that “hey baby is on the way” or are these false pains. So I kept quite and tried to bear the pain.
I got up quite early around 6 in the morning and went out and sat in open and fresh air trying to speculate if the day has come. I still wasn’t sure if I should tell my mom, coz if these are not the real pains, she would get anxious and worried. I kept quite and later woke my sis up and told her, I guess the day has come and told her to make the offerings.
I went to take bath and later helped my sis with the preparation. Both my hubby and me then went to temple and I was all this while telling him, the day has come. He was not ready to believe as the date the doctors were expecting was still about a week later.
I had asked my Dad to leave the car, as I wanted to go to doc for a checkup. Later we left for doc at about 11 AM with my hubby and mom.
Little did anyone expect that I would be admitted there and then and it actually happened. My mom looked so tensed at the thought of C-section that I would be undergoing. My husband was still under the shock and he didn’t realize it till much later. He went to bring my Dad from court to hospital and Mom sat and prayed the whole time. I would say she was more anxious than I was J I was holding my calm till I could.
Thanks to all my friends and sisters who had told me set of things that would happen before I would be operated. It actually helps you to be mentally prepared and don’t (over) react to what’s happening.
Well at about 2 PM, I was taken to the OT. Wooh… trust me I was not just cold feet; I was just cold all over. Dunno if it was that one gown making me cold, the experience that I was going to have or the AC in OT or that one small OT table to lie on.
I was asked to lie on that small operation table (cant explain what it look likes) but once you lie down and open and rest your each arm side ways, it looks like Jesus lying with his arms open. I was given the anesthesia to numb my lower body. The doc told me , this would numb my lower body so that I don’t experience anything that they would be doing but it wont put me to sleep immediately. This will also ensure that my baby doesn’t go off to sleep with me J
I was covered in all green sheet pieces and a sheet was also hanging right in front of my face so that I don’t scream at the sight of what these people do to my lower body. I was still feeling cold and very nervous. I was getting little drowsy now but I was trying hard not to fall off to sleep because I didn’t want to sleep without knowing that I have brought a life in this world. The doc came and they were chitchatting over my body discussing someone. It all seemed as though they were sitting for a cup of coffee with friends.
In less than 10 minutes, I heard a crying noise. I barely could open my eyes but the moment I heard a cry, a tear tickled down my eye and I just turned left and asked the lady standing there, is that a boy or girl. She said wait till doctor brings the baby back. Not sure if the doc brought the baby back immediately or he took a while but he was holding my baby trying to show me how he looks. I don’t remember seeing my baby there but all I got to know was, it was a baby boy. Now that I was sure all was well, I went off to sleep, I was given stiches and then was brought to the allocated room.
I must have slept for couple of hours and even after I woke up, I was still under the drugs influence but could hear my sisters, parents, brother-in-law, nephews, and niece all happy around. What a great feeling to have all your loved ones around and all happy J.
I was told that my baby was brought out where my mom, dad and husband were waiting. The baby was handed over to my husband. He was scared to hold him but he held him close to his heart and that’s when a father was born too. He couldn’t speak a single word but he was smiling and that’s what I saw him do the whole day “Smile”.
The 4th day when I was getting discharged, I was handed a pampers pack of diapers and it said “Welcome to Motherhood” J and I knew I had entered the reign the moment I heard the first cry of my baby in the OT.